Our Initiatives

With the support of our members, our initiatives provide data-driven insights and actionable, real-world solutions for some of our region’s most pressing challenges.

Current Initiatives

Affordable Housing:
Building a Brighter Future for Washingtonians

We surface and share best practices to address the significant housing affordability crisis we face as a county and as a state.

Cascadia Innovation Corridor:
Supporting a Prosperous and Sustainable Mega-Region

As co-chair of the Cascadia Innovation Corridor, we convene regional leaders in British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington for cross-border action.

Chronic Homelessness:
Supporting Best Practices State-Wide

At the state and local levels, we support the implementation of research-based best practices to address the homelessness crisis in our communities.

Cultivating a World-Class Workforce

With a focus on South King County, we provide opportunities for career exploration to high schoolers through worksite tours and partnering with teachers to bring industry into the classroom.

Creating a Safe, Reliable, and Affordable System

By convening public agencies, the University of Washington, and businesses, we work to address our region’s transportation challenges, especially congestion.

WE’RE Washington Employers
Where Opportunity Works

A coalition formed in 2020 of private sector employers—large and small, local and global—committed and working together to foster inclusive workplaces and expand opportunities so all Washingtonians and communities across our state can thrive.

Past Initiatives

COVID-19 Pandemic:
Uniting the Business Community for Response and Recovery

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Challenge Seattle united the business community as committed partners in the response and recovery, bringing a range of private sector resources to bear to address the far-reaching challenges of the pandemic.

Global Innovation Exchange:
Cultivating Technology Talent

With the Global Innovation Exchange at the University of Washington, we helped create an innovative new platform for developing the next generation of global technology leaders.

Greater Seattle Partners:
A Public-Private Partnership for Economic Development

Challenge Seattle partnered with public- and private- sector leaders to establish Greater Seattle Partners: a groundbreaking partnership to advance economic growth and competitiveness for the Puget Sound region.

Return to Office:
Sharing Best Practices for Workplace Recovery

Utilizing the expertise of Challenge Seattle members who have shifted their return-to-office policies, we compiled emerging best practices to ensure employees, managers, and companies are making in-office work intentional and meaningful.

Wildfires in Washington:
Highlighting the Role We All Play

Through a report and public education campaign, we emphasized the role every citizen plays in wildfire prevention, response, and recovery in Washington State.

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